Articles for tag: Dandelions, Lawn Weeds, Weed and Feed

Karla News

Lawn Weeds: How to Destroy and Prevent Them

There’s more to caring for a lawn than simply mowing and watering on hot summer days. If you want a beautiful lawn worthy of the finest golf course, take the necessary steps to destroy existing weeds and prevent and control new growth. You can have the beautiful weed-free lawn you’ve always wanted, and you don’t ...

Karla News

Dandelions: Uses in Food, Wine, and Herbal Medicine

Before you curse these so-called weeds in your garden, consider how you can put them to use in your kitchen. Dandelions are useful in food, homemade wine, and herbal medicines. The bright yellow blossom of the dandelion, its milky stem, its leafy greens, and even its root all possess special qualities that make the hardy ...

Karla News

Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX Weed Killer for Lawns – Ready Spray

Being I purchased an older home that had little or no lawn care for over five years, I have been actively working to improve the appearance of my lawn through the use of several different brands of store bought chemicals. Now let me tell you, this is no easy task, nor is there a fool ...

Karla News

Make Homemade Wine from Those Pesky Dandelions in Your Yard

You can always tell when springtime rolls around, at least in our neck of the woods. Just look at my lawn. It will be sprinkled- and then covered- with the bright yellow blossoms of Dandelions. Some people moan when they see these weeds in their yards. They run to their local garden center to find ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Dandelions

Dandelion (Taraxicum officinale) is one of the most widely recognized wild herbs. Nearly everyone is familiar with the sunny yellow flowers and delicate white puffballs of seeds known as dandelion clocks. Unfortunately, the medicinal value of dandelions is not so well known, and these beneficial plants are often sprayed with herbicides by people who want ...

Pollination of Dandelions

Not many plants can be found throughout the world, in a wide range of climates. Taraxacum officiales, more commonly known as dandelions, are plentiful throughout the world in mostly temperate climates. Dandelions are easily recognizable by their bright yellow bloom. Widely used for medicinal and herbal purposes, they can also be eaten as a regular ...

Karla News

Ridding Your Lawn of Dandelions, Naturally

Ridding your lawn of dandelions takes patience and persistence, but is not overly difficult. Contrary to what many would have you believe, there is no real need for toxic herbicides. A few dandelions are actually desirable in the spring. Being one of the earliest growers, they attract and provide food for ladybugs and other beneficial ...