Articles for tag: Agrimony, Bilirubin, Dandelion Tea, Jaundice, Sleeping with a Newborn

Karla News

Treating Jaundice in Babies Naturally

With nearly half of full-term babies developing jaundice at birth, it’s a common and typically non-threatening condition. Jaundice occurs when your baby’s liver does not know how to function yet properly, allowing your newborn’s bilirubin levels to elevate as their livers do not fully flush out their systems right away. Babies have a turnover of ...

Herbs for Anemia Sufferers

If you suffer from anemia (an iron deficiency) then you know how it feels to have cold hands and feet, tiredness all the time and a sluggish energy you can’t shake with a huge load of coffee. Many of us turn to iron supplements to battle our anemia, myself included, but I find myself always ...

Herbs for Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled little sacs that form on the ovaries. Sometimes as tiny as a milimeter, sometimes as large as a golfball (or bigger), these common cysts typically flush out of the ovary on the next menstrual cycle. In fact, one of the most common cures for recurring ovarian cysts is to be placed ...

Karla News

Top Holistic Remedies for Endometriosis Pain

If you suffer from endometriosis, there are no words. I feel your pain because I’ve struggled with this for years. Several years ago, my doctor informed me surgery was my only option. This was after I’d already had surgery. This was when I decided I needed a more holistic approach. My reasoning was I was ...

Karla News

Easy Remedies for Stomach Distress

Many things can distress our stomachs including stress, what we eat, how we eat and how much we eat. Most of us all ready know the common signs that stomach distress are beginning to occur. First, we may begin to feel bloated. Then we may begin to hear our stomach gurgle, then nausea and even ...

Karla News

Natural Treatment for Easing Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are exposed nerves of the bowel that can be caused by a number of things. Pregnancy and the strain of the baby weight on the bowel can cause temporary hemorrhoids, while others can be caused by ongoing straining when trying to relieve the bowels and irritation to the bowel nerves. When hemorrhoids are irritated ...

Karla News

Breast Enhancement Products and Tips in Japan

The Japanese, as a whole, are really into their looks. When I lived there, I was constantly inundated by cosmetics ads and beauty salon hand-outs. If you ride the trains, you will see both men and women impeccably dressed and manicured and rouged. Recently, one of the most popular items among women has been breast ...

Karla News

How to Take Care of Your Gallbladder

Gallbladder problems can cause nothing but misery so let’s see if we can find someway of relieving the discomfort whilst understanding the problem. Firstly, your morning cup of coffee may increase your risk of developing or worsening gallbladder problems. Naturopaths will often suggest switching to herbal tea or a coffee substitute such as Raja’s Cup, ...

How to Make Dandelion Tea

The miracles of nature do not seem miracles because they are so common. If no one had ever seen a flower, even a dandelion would be the most startling event in the world.” Anonymous The dandelion is a common sight across Asia, Europe and North America. Although it is presently regarded as a weed and ...