Articles for tag: Cucumber Salad, Cucumbers

Karla News

Can Cucumbers Be Frozen?

Cucumbers are the quintessential summer vegetable that is easy to grow, delicious to eat, and keeps on producing from June clear until fall’s first freeze. Unfortunately, once the cold snap hits, cucumber growing season is over for good, leaving gardeners with a bumper crop of cucumbers that need to be preserved before they turn to ...

Karla News

German Restaurants in Manhattan

Unfortunately, there are not as many German Restaurants in Manhattan as there were in the past. This does not mean that you cannot find one. The ones listed here serve traditional German food at reasonable prices, It is well worth it to take the train to ger to one ,if you have to. One of ...

Karla News

1920s Wedding Menus

The 1920s were a time when young men and women engaged in behavior that was frivolous and fun. They listened to Duke Ellington and danced the night away while drinking bootleg whiskey. If you have chosen the 1920’s for your wedding theme, your menus should reflect the culture of this optimistic, post-war time. That being ...

Karla News

Tomato, Red Onion and Cucumber Salad

The ingredients for this simple summer salad are easy to come by, and can be had for just a few dollars. The best part is, you can leave out what you don’t have and still end up with a fabulous salad. Nothing too fancy here, but your guests will beg for the recipe! Serve this ...