Articles for tag: Cruel and Unusual, Death Penalty, Scalia, Texas Death Row, The Death Penalty

Karla News

Is the Death Penalty Cruel and Unusual?

The constitution and the bill of rights guarantee’s that as American’s we cannot be punished if that punishment is considered cruel and unusual. However, who defines what is cruel and unusual? A lot of American’s feel that the death penalty is cruel and unusual. That feeling is even stronger when you ask the rest of ...

Karla News

Lethal Injection: Cruel and Unusual Punishment?

This article was originally published on The recent lawsuit before the Supreme Court challenging the constitutionality of lethal injection as cruel and unusual punishment is outright ludicrous. The suit, filed by Kentucky death row inmates Ralph Baze and Thomas Clyde Bowling, Jr., has already been rejected by the Kentucky Supreme Court, but opponents of ...

Karla News

Ohio’s Capital Punishment: Why it Took 2 Hours for a Man to Die

There are several forms of approved capital punishment that states have to choose from. These capital punishments include lethal injection, electrocution, the gas chamber, hangings, and the firing squad. However, the overwhelming majority of States choose lethal injection as their primary source of capital punishment. Ohio is one of those States that use lethal injection ...

Karla News

The Legality of the Death Penalty and the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has dealt with numerous controversial issue. One of the most heated topics that the Supreme Court has dealt with repeatedly is the death penalty. The most recent case involving the death penalty was Sanford v. Kentucky. The case of Sanford v. Kentucky was about the legality of giving the death penalty to ...