Articles for tag: Albuterol Inhaler, Croup

Karla News

Treating Your Child’s Croup at Home

The first time my son got croup, it was horribly scary. He woke up one night, at about two years old, wheezing and gasping for air. This was punctuated by a loud, barking cough. We panicked and brought him to the hospital emergency room, where they gave him breathing treatments and sent us home. He ...

Karla News

Croup in Children

As a parent, few things can be more frightening than when your child wakes up in the middle of the night with a harsh, loud cough that sounds something like the barking of a seal. Croup can be scary for both the parents and the child, and is caused by inflammation around the vocal cords, ...

Benefits of Using of a Vaporizer

For those who live in climates with dry and cold winter days, it is a good idea to purchase a cool mist vaporizer. Vaporizers add moisture to the air, making rooms more comfortable. Vaporizers are different from humidifiers. Both vaporizers and humidifiers add moisture to the air, the primary difference is that a vaporizer heats ...

Karla News

Kids and Pneumonia: When to Seek Help

My daughter has always been prone to chest infections. She was first hospitalized for breathing issues less than two months after she was born. Every cold she got settled right into her chest. After seeing her through two surgeries (tubes and adenoids, at 15 months old, and then tubes again and tonsils a year and ...

Buckley’s Mixture Cough Suppressant

My pharmacy is one of those small, privately owned businesses. It’s very quaint, and unlike those large supermarket pharmacies, I can find the most unique remedies there. A few years ago I discovered Buckley’s Cough Suppressant. It said it right on the bottle, It tastes awful. And it works. They certainly don’t hide the fact ...

Does My Child Have Croup?

Croup is a breathing difficulty caused by swollen vocal cords. It can be brought on by a virus, by allergies, by bacteria, or even acid reflux. Croup is very distinctive. If your child gets it, you will know immediately, that something is very wrong. Its calling card is that it almost always occurs in the ...

Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere: A Review

Richard Mayhew is an average ordinary fellow. In fact, in many ways, he could be considered boring. He has a job in an office, a fiancée who also has a safe job in a safe office and who likes to take him to museums on their days off and to dinner with her boss. Richard ...

What’s the Best Home Treatment for Croup?

The onset of cooler weather brings along with it the risk of respiratory infections for both children and adults. One of the most common respiratory illnesses encountered in young children is croup. Croup, otherwise known by the somewhat difficult-to-pronounce name of laryngotracheobronchitis, is usually caused by a virus and results a characteristic cough that has ...

Karla News

The Curiously Curly German Rex Cat

Their history is a bit murky, and there are several different recorded accounts on the development of the breed. One of the accounts says that the line was discovered when a black cat entered the gardens of a hospital in East Berlin after the Second World War. Another story about the discovery of these cats ...

Karla News

Signs and Symptoms of Croup

One of the scariest things ever for a parent to hear is when their child has the croup. The croup is something that is very common for babies and children to have. It is unusual for an adult to get the croup. The croup is when there is narrowing of the air passages and inflammation ...