Articles for tag: Crime Scene Investigators, Crime Shows

Karla News

Why Crime Shows on TV Are Dangerous for the Public

Our parents taught us never to believe everything we see on TV, but sometimes we have a difficult time separating fantasy from reality. Crime shows on TV are a prime example of this, and if the public believes what they see, future investigations could be compromised. After all, it is the general public — and ...

Karla News

Crime Through the Eyes of Functionalism and Conflict Theory

Functionalists such as Charles Darwin and Emile Durkheim view society as a system of highly interrelated structures or parts that operate harmoniously. (Tischler, pg. 21) Conflict theorists, on the other hand, such as Karl Marx and David Hume, view society as constantly changing in response to social inequality and social conflict. (Tischler, pg. 21) Yet ...

Karla News

The Difference Between TV Forensics & Real Forensics

When you turn your television to CSI or Law & Order or Bones, do you pay careful attention to the forensic science portrayed on screen? Although most crime shows have forensic consultants on staff, much of what you see is usually pure fiction. Unfortunately, real crime scene investigators and medical examiners must spend years combing ...

Karla News

Review: Brotherhood on Showtime

I wish I had known about the critically acclaimed ShowTime series Brotherhood before what may have been it’s last season. I didn’t know because I hadn’t subscribed to ShowTime until about six months ago. One night while scrolling through the programs I accidental discovered it and decided to take a look, mostly because it was ...