Articles for tag: Crime Criminal Justice, Crime Scene, Crime Scene Investigators

Odd Jobs: Crime-Scene Cleaner

If you are a fan of one of the popular crimes shows on television like CSI or LAW & ORDER, you’ve seen your fair share of gruesome crime scenes. You are probably well acquainted with how coroners evaluate a body for physical evidence of what killed or injured the victim. You know how crime scene ...

Karla News

Top Ten TV Police Dramas of All Time

Whether it is because of the high-speed chases or the mystery of solving a big case, police dramas have always been a popular choice with television viewers. Since TV’s inception, there have been hundreds of police dramas produced, but a few stand out from the rest. In fact, many of these shows have made television ...

Forensic Blood Spatter from Sneezing

When working on a crime scene where blood spatter is in evidence, many things have to be done beginning from recording the scene, taking photographs, determining where the blood came from, from whom and how. One specific point that needs to be considered when doing so is to determine and separate bloodstains that may be ...

Karla News

Why Crime Shows on TV Are Dangerous for the Public

Our parents taught us never to believe everything we see on TV, but sometimes we have a difficult time separating fantasy from reality. Crime shows on TV are a prime example of this, and if the public believes what they see, future investigations could be compromised. After all, it is the general public — and ...

Karla News

The Difference Between TV Forensics & Real Forensics

When you turn your television to CSI or Law & Order or Bones, do you pay careful attention to the forensic science portrayed on screen? Although most crime shows have forensic consultants on staff, much of what you see is usually pure fiction. Unfortunately, real crime scene investigators and medical examiners must spend years combing ...

Karla News

Adult Theme Parties

I don’t know about you, but I’ve searched the internet over looking for fun party theme ideas for adults. Everything out there seems to revolve around western themes and your standard “cocktail” party. Well, you can really only host them once unless you only invite some of your friends to them. Here are some more ...