Articles for tag: Cramps, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Menstrual Cramps, Menstrual Pain

How Does Orgasm Relieve Menstrual Cramps?

One of the simplest ways to relieve menstrual cramps is also one of the most embarrassing for many women to talk about. It does not require medication and its effect is felt almost immediately. Orgasm has been known to relieve menstrual cramps for many years, but the news still comes as a surprise to many ...

I Can’t Live Without My Motrin Ibuprofen

Menstrual cramps are and have been in the past a major pain in my life and Ibuprofen is definitely a pain reliever I could not live without. Although, I am not a fan of taking a lot of medications I have to keep a stash of Motrin IB with me during that special time. My ...

Karla News

Finding Relief from Nighttime Leg Pain

Nighttime leg cramps, sometimes called charley horses, are a sudden tightening or contraction of the leg muscles, usually in the calf. Nighttime leg cramps can sometimes happen in the thigh or foot; they are painful where ever they happen. They can last from a few seconds to a few minutes and can wake you from ...

How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps

Beyond all the other inconveniences that come along with a woman’s time of month, many of us deal with painful cramps. If you’re one of the few whose stomach muscles don’t engage in gymnastics during your period, count yourself lucky. For those of you who have a hard time getting through your daily routine because ...

Muscle Cramps – Causes and Treatments

Ouch! A griping leg pain has stopped you in your tracks or awakened you from a sound sleep. Muscle cramps. What causes muscles, usually leg muscles, to suddenly lockup, become hard as a rock and produce indescribable pain? The answer is not clear and the cause of muscle cramps is still not known, but there ...

Get Relief from Muscle Cramps and Spasms

A muscle cramp or spasm is a muscle that has been constricted but the constriction doesn’t let up. You get them from exercising too hard or too fast, not warming up before exercising, or pulling a muscle trying to reach or pull too hard a number of times. Muscle spasms or cramps could also be ...

Karla News

Charley Horse: A Colloquial Name for Nocturnal Leg Spasms

Previously published on Many diseases and disorders that we suffer from often get colloquial names, even before the medical community gets time to research such conditions and classify and name them. The term Charley (also spelled Charlie) horse is one such popular term used in the United States to represent the painful spasms and ...

Relieve Menstrual Cramps with Natural Treatments

Ugh..Yuck..Why? These are just a few words most women who have menstrual cramps utter to themselves, and many times to others, about how they feel. Doctors know what causes those extremely annoying abdominal pains during the menstrual cycle that results from contractions in the muscular wall of the uterus. To help relieve the pain doctors ...

How to Stop Period Cramps

Question: My period is causing me to have painful cramps. How do I stop these cramps? Answer: You can stop period cramps by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, called NSAIDs, and by soothing the affected area with a warm compress or other natural home treatments. Combined together, both methods can significantly reduce or eliminate period cramps. ...