Articles for tag: Anime Movies, Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball Z

Karla News

Top Anime TV Series of All Time

Choosing the best anime series may actually be even more difficult than choosing the best movies. There is not only a wide variety of television and straight-to-video series to choose from, there is also a larger number of them than movies. One series that deserves mention simply because it introduced so many fans to anime ...

Karla News

Top Ten Adult Swim Shows

With the rising trend in adult animated comedy, I compiled this list of shows that I feel worthy of being the ten best. 10. Tom Goes To the Mayor- While this show is so blatently odd, it’s reminiscent of a train wreck in the regard that you can’t help but watch it. Created by Tim ...

Karla News

Top 10 Wedding Slow Dance Songs

Announcement: I’m planning to get married in 2011, and one of the tasks I’ve been assigned is to decide on most of the music. Luckily, this is my specialty, and for any other couples tying the knot, I’m giving some wedding soundtrack hints! Nearly every wedding has its slow dances, and whether you’re hiring a ...

Karla News

10 Best Action Movies of the Decade

So what does it take to make this list? It’s not enough for the action scenes to be exciting, the film itself has to be enjoyable even when things aren’t being blown up. The action needs to work but it can’t be the entire point of the film. But at the same time the action ...