Articles for tag: Corporal Punishment, Permissive Parenting

Karla News

Parental Use of Corporal Punishment

Discipline comes from the Latin term “disciplinar” which means “to teach”. Discipline involves many factors that are designed to teach and emphasize socially acceptable behavior. Effective discipline will teach by the use of punishment and reward system to properly ensure a healthy attitude and behavior. In the course of this discipline, children will attain self-control, ...

Karla News

The Effectiveness of Corporal Punishment

Disclaimer: The terms corporal punishment and spanking refer to the use of spanking a child’s rear end on the occasion of a child’s misbehavior. These terms are not to be confused with domestic violence and abuse where the child ends up with severe bruising, broken limbs, or possibly death. Domestic violence and child abuse are ...

Karla News

5 Ways to Discipline Toddlers Without Spanking

When I decided to have kids, I opted not to use corporal punishment. There are varying points of view on this. One such view is that spanking toddlers is the only way to get through to them, since they haven’t yet mastered communication skills. I completely disagree. It’s simply not necessary to spank at any ...

Karla News

Supreme Court and Education: Corporal Punishment

  All citizens of the United States of America are governed by the laws outlined in the Constitution. The school system is no different. It too falls under the direct jurisdiction of the U.S. government. When questions arise about the Constitutional rights of students, teachers, and/or a school district, the legal system is consulted. Issues ...

Best Argument Ever Against Corporal Punishment in Schools

Should parents hit their kids for “discipline?” I won’t even go there at this point. Instead, let’s talk about corporal punishment in schools: teachers being permitted by law to strike students. I know a woman who steadfastly believes in corporal punishment from parent to child. But at the same time, she is dead-against corporal punishment ...

Karla News

Defining Existentialism

Existentialism has been defined as a movement that was both philosophical and psychological, and it influenced many diverse individuals during the 19th and 20th centuries. Existentialism has been said to “emphasize the individual existence, freedom, and choice.” Søren Kierkegaard was the first writer to call himself existential, and he rejected Plato’s philosophy that the highest ...

Karla News

Is Spanking Children Harmful?

Because the issue of whether or not corporal punishment is an effective and/or ethical mechanism to correct poor behavior in children has become integral to public discourse, it is important that pro-spanking advocates have a clear understanding of why they support the enterprise. Moreover, individuals opposed to corporal punishment should gain an awareness of the ...

Karla News

The History of Spanking

When looking at our past history, it can be seen as quite barbaric in nature when looking into the history of spanking, a form of corporal punishment with the earliest recordings as far back as the 10th century B.C Solomon’s Proverbs. There were many torture devices used in order to gain confessions or obedience such ...

Karla News

Corporal Punishment: To Spank or Not to Spank

I found out recently from someone who rides the church van with me that soon it may be illegal to spank your child in Michigan, even if he is falling out in the store over a toy you refused to buy for him or her. You as the parent could be brought up on all ...