Articles for tag: Ball Pythons, Buying a Puppy, Corn Snakes, First Pet, Pet Snakes

Karla News

Best and Worst Pet Snake for Your Child

When I was a child, my father brought home a variety of unusual animals. At one point, we had over 22 different birds in large cages in an atrium area of our den. We had a couple of cute, fluffy rabbits, one name Mr. Rabbit and the other named Mr. Bunny, and we had a ...

Karla News

A Guide to Feeding Corn Snakes

Many people, when shopping for pet snakes, consider the corn snake. These snakes, also known as red rat snakes, are constrictors like their relatives the boa and the python. Unlike their relatives, however, corn snakes typically reach a maximum length of six feet long and a maximum width of two fingers. For potential pet owners, ...

Keeping Snakes with Children

“Keeping snakes with children in the house is cruel!” “Don’t worry, we won’t let the kids hurt the snakes. We’re teaching them to be gentle.” Some conversation along these lines happens at least once in every snake loving family. Friends and family, especially the older generations, cling to the widespread belief that all snakes are ...

Karla News

Breeding Rodents as Pet Feeders

When you own reptiles that feed off rodents, it might be a good idea to breed the rodents yourself. If you have less then five reptiles, then you’ll probably be better off buying them frozen from the internet, but otherwise you’ll save a great deal on making your own breeding farm. The first that needs ...

Karla News

Why You Should Get a Snake as a Pet

Looking back I would never have thought that I would get sucked into the world of reptiles. It happened fast, and it happened hard. Now I have nine snakes, and with no intention of stopping. Snakes require minimal care. You get them a cage, set up a heater with a thermostat so the temperature is ...

Karla News

Best Pet Snakes for Your Children

Has your son or daughter all of sudden come up to you and asked you for a pet? Not a pet that your use to like a dog or a cat, but have asked to get a pet snake. Well if this is the case and you really want to make your child happy, read ...

Karla News

Buying and Caring for Ball Pythons

Of the 2,400 or so known species of snakes, several make good pets and are quite popular as such! Though there are several things to consider when deciding to keep a snake as a pet, they are fascinating, beautiful creatures, and interacting with them can be a rewarding and quite educational experience! There are many ...

Karla News

The Best Pet Snakes for Beginners

Most people have an adverse reaction to snakes. But with proper selection, care, and handling, snakes become great pets. They have spectacular colors, are easy to care for, and are very hardy animals. What are the best snakes to have as pets? You have your garden-variety snake that is very common and not dangerous. Then ...

Karla News

When Your Pet Snake Bites

Many times bites from snakes are due to owner negligence. Carelessness can mean getting bit and many experienced snake owners say if you haven’t been bitten yet it’s coming. Due to most keeping snakes that are not poisonous or “hot” snakes, this is just about that group. A bite can hurt, it’ll bleed and the ...

Karla News

The Five Best Snakes to Keep as Pets

Snakes are among the list of creepy-crawlies that many would never consider for a pet. Some snakes, I would have to agree with them. While snakes are fascinating, they are wild reptiles, and most are not suitable for an average household. Here are some snakes I have owned and handled, throughout the last ten years, ...