Articles for tag: Copyright, Copyright Protection

Karla News

How to Use Copyrighted Music Legally

Free copyright music is often mistaken with free public domain music or music in which the copyright has expired. A copyright is in place for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years. If more than one songwriter has authored the music, then the copyright will be in effect for 70 years after the death ...

Karla News

How to Copyright Written Works of Art

When you see a movie or hear a song, you are actually seeing the end products of written works of art. Many understand that copyright protects things like books, but few realize that copyright protects things such as sculptures, paintings, movie scripts and musical compositions as well. Copyright affords writers, musicians, and other creative folks ...

Karla News

Common Law Copyright Protection and Ownership

Many people do not understand copyright protection and ownership because they believe that works must be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office in order to be considered protected. In reality, it is advisable to copyright your work through the Copyright Office, but it is not required in order to establish ownership over the work itself. ...

Karla News

How to Word a Copyright Notice for a Screenplay

As a practicing lawyer in the field of intellectual property I’m often asked when copyright notice is important and how copyright notice can help protect a work. In general placing a copyright notice on certain works can be very valuable. Drafting a copyright notice for a screenplay is no different than drafting any other standard ...

Karla News

What is Artistic Copyright Infringement

Copyright laws are designed to protect the original works of artists and to exclude unauthorized use by anyone who seeks to use, distribute, profit from or sell that work. Copyright protection can extend to foreign borders and can help an artist control the integrity of his or her creations; however, things happen and rights get ...

Karla News

Registered and Non-Registered Copyrights

The United States Copyright Office has a wealth of information about copyright laws and procedures, but the question still remains about whether or not you should register a copyright when you create something tangible that qualifies for a copyright. To determine this, let’s first look at what the US Copyright Office says a copyright actually ...

Karla News

Overcoming Copyright Infringement and Software Piracy

  Problems from new technologies 1. storage of all sorts of information (text, sound, graphics) in standard digitized formats 2. high, volume, relatively inexpensive digital storage media, such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, and DVDs (digital versatile disks, also called digital video disks 3. character scanners and image scanners, which simplify converting printed text, photos, and ...