Articles for tag: Boutonniere, Copper Wire

Karla News

Budget DIY Wedding: DIY Calla Lily Boutonniere

Whether or not you are planning your wedding on a budget, DIY touches like a handmade calla lily boutonniere will make your day more uniquely you. Follow the steps outlined below to make your own DIY calla lily boutonnieres for the groom, father of the bride and groom, and/ or the groomsmen. Make a DIY ...

Karla News

DIY Hummingbird Feeders from Recycled Bottles

Making hummingbird feeders from recycled bottles is quick, easy, and inexpensive. Not only will you save money, with a little effort you will soon turn your yard into a virtual hummingbird oasis that will be the envy of your neighbors. Before you begin, you will need to gather a few materials. Round up all your ...

Karla News

How to Make Your Own Jewelry Supplies

Jewelry making is a rewarding and profitable craft. Bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and rings can be made and sold either individually or in sets. Most jewelry makes use beads. There are so many types of beads available that the creative looks and options will never run out. Jewelry has been around for thousands upon thousands of ...

How to Clean Rust Without Rust Remover

Rust removers are fine for spot cleaning. But if you have a big job, rust removers become costly and hard to use. I’m a part time metal sculptor, and I spend an embarrassing amount of time scrounging around for old iron and steel to tinker around with. Most of them are rusted. The best way ...

Karla News

Butterfly Crafts for Kids

I took my grandson to the annual butterfly show, and it inspired me to get crafty. We were in a greenhouse surrounded by colorful butterflies from around the world. When an attendant used her net to catch a stray butterfly that followed us to the exit, it reminded me of when I used to make ...

Karla News

How to Make a Beaded Spiral Bracelet

Women love jewelry; that’s never going to change. Some women can afford beautiful diamonds and gold whereas others browse the costume jewelry section at a nearby department store. Sure, many women choose costume jewelry because it’s much cheaper but even some costume jewelry pieces can be a little pricey. One example is a spiral wire ...

Where to Sell Brass and Copper

Brass and copper can be had from many sources. Most likely you’ll have old wire or pipe laying around that you want to get rid of. If you own a pistol or rifle you may have brass shell casings that have been fired. Or perhaps you have old copper or brass furnishings, like lamps, that ...

Karla News

How to Refine Your Own Silver

This article will show you an easy way to refine your scrap silver, old jewelry, or your old worn down silver coins. After reading this article you will be able to produce your own .999 pure silver bullion. With the prices of silver and other precious metals rising at the rate they are now, it ...

Karla News

Online Wire Wrap Artist Supply Guide

Wire wrap enthusiasts sometimes have difficulty finding suppliers for square and half-round wire using local means. The internet is a great place for finding wire and jeweler’s supplies. Most web sites include other jewelry making options, and most ship the same day. Following is a list of suppliers who cater to the wire wrap artist: ...

How to Make Wire Work Earrings

I want to start off by saying I’m no expert in wire work for jewelry. I wish I was, and someday I will be better. I love learning new things, and wire work is exciting for me. And while I’m not an expert, I do know a few simple basic wire work techniques, and I ...