Articles for tag: Cooperstown, University of Kansas

Karla News

Masters Programs in Museum Studies

The field of Museum Studies gives students the opportunity to study various aspects of history and culture while simultaneously preparing them to take up careers and positions within the museum world, not just as curators but as preservers, acquirers, and advisers to government agencies. The following Masters Programs in Museum Studies feature a strong curriculum ...

Karla News

Best First Baseman Not in the Hall of Fame – Steve Garvey

Continuing a glimpse at players that should or could be in the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York but are not. This article will look at Steve Garvey, the best first baseman not in the Hall of Fame. The case for Garvey Steve Garvey was a huge star in his day. Along with Reggie ...

Karla News

Best Summer Baseball Camps in New York State

The best summer baseball camps in New York State are dedicated to sharing the great American pass time with the next generation of potential pitchers, hitters and fielders. Of course it really is no surprise to find some outstanding summer baseball camps in New York State when you recall that New York is the home ...