Articles for tag: Clarinet, Concerto

Karla News

Analysis of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons

For my first listening assignment I chose Vivaldi The Four Seasons, featuring Leonard Bernstein. First I would like to say that I thoroughly enjoyed these concertos. I am pleased that I decided to purchase the CD as opposed to borrowing it. Most of the compositions contain small sections of conjunct notes and larger sections of ...

Karla News

Classical Music: For Relaxation and Healing

No matter where we are on this vast globe, stress is a major factor in our lives. It begins at birth and shadows us through life till death. Whether we’re at work, school, home or at the mall, stress follows us, often in the form of a dark cloud. But with all we have to ...

Karla News

The Role of Music in the Catholic Wedding

If you are having a Catholic wedding, there are a few things to consider regarding the music. It is wise to ask your parish if they have a reference as to what services are available through the musicians at your local parish, and find out the cost. This is, of course, if you choose to ...