Articles for tag: Computer Pranks, Pranks

Karla News

Funny Computer Pranks to Pull on Your Friends

Computer pranks are among the most entertaining things to do with your friends. You can download computer pranks from a website, but these take more time and you simply don’t get the same satisfaction as if you had executed them yourself. Computer pranks can be funny, scary, or simply annoying, but this article will focus ...

You Just Got Punked – Office Pranks 101

When things at the office become stale and dreadful, add some zing to your day with a few of these simple office pranks. Your co-workers may come to hate you and your boss may cringe at the site of you lurking around the cubicles but never mind all that, instead fill your day with laughter, ...

Karla News

April Fools Day Computer Pranks

April Fools Day pranks have long been a tradition for adults and kids alike. Some April Fools Day pranks are as simple and harmless as mentioning a nonexistent stain on a shirt all the way up to elaborate devious pranks that border on cruel and unusual. A popular television show that sets up complex pranks ...

Karla News

Try This Cracked Screen Computer Prank

While recently browsing for funny videos, I came across one of the best computer pranks I’ve ever found. A college guy placed an image of a cracked LCD screen on his buddy’s computer, and he secretly filmed his reaction. I had to check out Google images for myself to see if I thought this ...

Karla News

Three Spectacular Computer Pranks

There is nothing that is funnier than pulling a few good pranks on a friends or family member’s computer. The reaction that you get from them is absolutely priceless. They freak out and get all serious, while you try to hide the fact that you know it is a prank and want to burst out ...