Articles for tag: Community Policing, Police Corruption

Karla News

Police Culture and Sub Culture

“He who saves a nation breaks no law” (Napoleon) My purpose in this assignment is to define police culture, deviance from the standard, acceptable behavior and suggestions on how to amend the organizational culture that promote police deviance. What I hope to illustrate is the traditional, historical purpose of a police force and the functions ...

How Changes in Education can Change Juvenile Crime

Over the years much research has been conducted and many theories have developed that attempt to explain the escalation in youth crime. If one ascribes to the theory that people choose to commit crime, one must provide context for that choice. The choices young people make are influenced by a complex set of relationships between ...

Karla News

Women and Law Enforcement

Over 2 million Americans are currently incarcerated in the United States. Statistics are being touted-on television, over the radio and in about every other email that slips past this author’s filter-that law enforcement is the next upcoming career. You have a future in law enforcement or homeland security.” Colleges and Universities are publicizing and promoting ...

Karla News

There Are Three Types of Policing Models

Criminal Justice covers every aspect of our legal system. From police through the courts on to correctional facilities and even covering probation and parole. As a criminal justice major, I am learning more and more about how our legal system works. It is here that am going to share a part of that and ask ...

Karla News

Racial Profiling in Law Enforcement

Racism and prejudice have had an impact on everyday life in society for thousands of years. In America, it began when white settlers first met Native Americans and took from them their land. For Africans, it began when the first slaves were brought here from Africa 375 years ago, continued after slavery with legal segregation ...

Karla News

Ideas & Tips for Planning a Block Party

It’s summer, and that means it’s the perfect time to have a block party! Although it sounds like a lot of work to plan a party for everyone living on your block, it doesn’t have to be. These suggestions and ideas, coupled with your own, will help you not only coordinate a block party, but ...

Karla News

Paramilitary Police Structure and Community Policing

Paramilitary styled police agencies are in conflict with the concept of community policing in many ways. This paper will explore the origins, evolution and influence of paramilitary groups and structure on modern policing and why this style of structure comes into conflict with community policing efforts. Whether one uses the term semi-military, quasi-military or paramilitary, ...

Karla News

How Much Do Police Officers Make a Year in Texas?

Police officers protect the public, save lives and enforce the law. Their skills can be priceless to someone in a crisis situation. If you are considering applying to the police academy, and are wondering how much police officers earn, this information can be found easily online. The salaries of Texas police officers vary by city. ...

Karla News

Community Policing to Prevent Crime

“Police cannot control crime and maintain order by themselves” (McCamey, 2003). This quote is a very compelling reason for the implementation of community policing. The shear number ratio of citizens to police officers makes this statement credible. The only way to combat and control crime is through a cooperative effort between the police and the ...