Articles for tag: Black Widow, Common Phobias, Spider Bites, Venomous Spiders, Widows

Karla News

Venomous Spiders of the United States: Cause for Alarm?

A fear of spiders is one of the most common phobias in the United States. I suppose they’re a perfect candidate for producing fear-they’re hairy, they move quickly, they hide in dark places, and they have a reputation for having a venomous bite. Personally I think the majority of spider phobias stem from a belief ...

Karla News

Tips for Treating Agoraphobia

The term “agoraphobia,” like most other terms that relate to inexplicable fears, has its roots in Greek; in this case, a combination of the words “agora,” (an open-air marketplace) and “phobos” (fear; and also the name of one of the two hunting dogs of the God of War). However, the common definition of agoraphobia, a ...

Karla News

Treat Arachnophobia with Virtual Reality Therapy

The word “arachnophobia” probably brings to mind the 1990 Hollywood movie by that name, a tense film about a small California town invaded by deadly spiders. However, arachnophobia (fear of spiders) is one of the most common phobias, and a very real and sometimes serious problem that can affect a person’s everyday life. Although many ...

Common and Uncommon Phobias

May it be the dark or bugs, everyone is afraid of something. Though you have people who say they aren’t, there is at least one thing everyone is afraid of. Some fears are more common than others, and others are just completely “out there.” Arachnophobia is the first phobia. It is actually quite common, and ...

7 Tips to Overcome Stage Fright

Stage fright is classified as a fear, or a phobia that is usually aroused by the requirement to perform in front of a large audience. Stage fright is one of the most common phobias, and it appears to be part of a large pattern of social anxiety disorder. In fact, according to Antion “many of ...

Acrophobia: Fear of Heights

Imagine being on the roof of a one hundred story building and looking down, with nothing to keeping you from falling over the edge. Imagine the fear and anxiety that would fill your body, thinking about being that high up. Do you have a fear of heights? Most of us do. Most of our fears ...

5 Easy Tips for the Ultimate Haunted House

Halloween always brings back memories of scary stories and scary costumes. Lets face it, its about being scared. So, what better way to scare trick-or-treaters, than a haunted house in your home or yard. A haunted house can be very intricate, with a large budget, or simple and inexpensive. I’ll show you some tips and ...

10 Most Common Phobias

If you are looking at this list of the 10 most common phobias or fears, there is good news! You most likely do not have pinaciphobia, or rather, the fear of lists. 10. Necrophobia Zombies, mummies, frankenstein, vampires…people always seem to fear those that are dead, undead, or otherwise not living. Necrophobia, or the fear ...

Fun Facts – All About Phobias

Leophobias, Tigriphobias, and Arktophobias! Oh my! Any fear can be named as a phobia, by adding the Greek word in front of “phobos” or phobia. In this case, Lions (Leo), Tigers (Tigris), and Bears (Arktos) are created. The only problem? These aren’t real phobias. A phobia is defined as an irrational, intense, persistent fear of ...