Articles for tag: Common Food Allergies, Most Common Food Allergies

Karla News

Eight Most Common Food Allergies: FDA Labeling Requirements

Food allergies can range from mild to severe. There have been cases where severe food allergy causes anaphylactic shock and even death. People with allergies need to be constantly vigilant about what they eat. Parents of children with allergies have to make serious effort to monitor the ingredients of packaged foods, to ensure that the ...

Avoid the Deadly Nightshade Family in Your Diet

Imagine my surprise when told by a dermatologist that tomatoes were the culprit causing the itchy red patch on my face. As a former ketchup user I must tell you that tomatoes, one of the Deadly Nightshade family members, are not for everyone’s consumption. Nor are the other members of this family if you’re a ...

Causes and Symptoms of Shellfish Allergy

Among the realm of common food allergies, shellfish reigns as one of the more common. There are cases where people react to a certain shellfish, or all of them, and some who think they have an allergy when really they have a sensitivity. We will cover here the causes, symptoms, and what you can do ...

Top 5 Food Allergy Symptoms

If you have a food allergy or have ever worried about getting one, you are not alone. Food allergies are common, and are becoming increasingly more so. According to the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network, common food allergies include milk, egg, peanuts, tree nuts (cashews, etc.), fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat ( They also note ...

Karla News

Are Soy Products Good or Bad?

You probably have heard of the many health benefits of soy over the past few years. Or maybe you have now heard that soy is bad? What is going on? Is it good or bad? What is a consumer to do? The Good Soybean products have been used by Asian cultures for thousands of years ...

Karla News

Most Common Food Allergies

Most food allergies begin before birth. Chances are, if you have an allergy to a particular food, you got it from one or both of your parents. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), two percent of American adults and two to eight percent of children have true food allergies. That number, however, is ...

Karla News

10 Most Common Food Allergies in Children

Are you one of those lucky parents who has a child or children with food allergies? If you are, you are not alone at all, there are thousands of parents who have to deal with their children having allergies. Knowing which foods cause what is how to get a handle on it. Here is a ...