Articles for tag: Comet Goldfish, Goldfish

Karla News

Shubunkin Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Shubunkin is a musical-sounding word that refers to a hard-to-describe color pattern in goldfish. Perhaps the closest color pattern shubunkin can compare to is the blue merle pattern seen in some dog breeds like Australian shepherds. A shubunkin goldfish is blessed with a calico patchwork that can contain black, shades of gold, blue and white. ...

Karla News

What You Need to Know About Comet Goldfish

Comet goldfish look like common goldfish, only they are sleeker and have a larger tail. They have become as common as common goldfish in the pet trade and are often sold as feeder fish. Those with spectacular coloration are singled out to be sold as pets and at a higher price. Some fish sold as ...

Karla News

Fantail Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Fantail goldfish are about the hardiest of fancy goldfish. Although they have an egg-shaped body and longer fins than a common goldfish, they are not encumbered by extreme facial and fin features that can impair the swimming abilities of other types of fancy goldfish. It is speculated that the fantail was the first egg-shaped fancy ...

Karla News

Lionhead Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Lionhead goldfish are goldfish without dorsal or top fins. Their bodies are egg-shaped and their fins are comparatively small in comparison with their bodies. This makes them far slower swimmers than common or comet goldfish. For this reason, they are best kept with either other lionheads or slow-swimming fancy goldfish like ranchus or orandas. Although ...

Karla News

Ryukin Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Ryukin goldfish are a type of fancy goldfish that do not make good wet pets for anyone who has never kept fish before. They have different care needs than a common or comet goldfish. Anyone considering bringing a Ruykin into their lives needs to be experienced with keeping common goldfish, black moors or fantails. Ryukins ...

Karla News

Black Moor Goldfish: Appearance and Care

Black moor goldfish are the most popular goldfish with an egg-shaped or nearly round-shaped body. Usually fan-tails or egg-shaped goldfish cannot swim very well and are at a distinct disadvantage when placed in a tank with long-bodied goldfish like the common, comet or shubunkin. The long-bodied fish are faster swimmers and can gobble up the ...

Karla News

How to Take Care of Koi & Koi Ponds

Koi are very hardly and beautiful fish. They can reach over 12 inches in length in an outdoor pond. Usually if you see fish in a pond, they are keeping koi. Koi eat special koi food which looks like small pellets. You can purchase the food at any pet store such as Petco. Koi will ...