Articles for tag: Cognitive Development, Jean Piaget, Piaget, Vygotsky

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Cognitive Development

Cognitive Development In addressing the intellectual development of children, several cognitive development theorists play an integral part in shaping what we know today as the standards by which we frame the norm for children. In essence, cognitive development is the gradual and orderly changes that occur making ones mental process more complex and sophisticated. (Slavin, ...

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Piaget’s Contribution to Child Development

Jean Piaget, born in 1896 was a biologist but moved into the study of children’s development by observing, talking and listening to them while they worked on exercises he set them. Through his observations, Piaget developed his idea of stages of cognitive development which have made a lasting contribution to psychology. Piaget and Child Development ...

Karla News

Piaget’s Theory and Child Development

Jean Piaget, born in 1896 was a biologist but moved into the study of children’s development by observing, talking and listening to them while they worked on exercises he set them. Through his observations, Piaget developed his idea of stages of cognitive development which have made a lasting contribution to psychology. Piaget saw the child ...

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Cognitive Theories at Work in the Classroom

Cognitive development is the order and methods in which people learn and how mental processes gain complexity and develop from infancy to adulthood. (Slavin, 2009, p. 31) While there are numerous theories regarding cognitive development, there are several factors that remain constant throughout all of them, forming some basic premises on cognitive development. These include ...

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Schemes and Practices: Piaget’s Terms of Knowledge Adaptation

Piaget Views on Children’s Abilities to Adapt Piaget’s developmental model for children is based on adaptations they need to make to schemes in order to fit into and function within their environment. In order to understand Piaget’s theories on learning, the term scheme needs to be understood, a scheme is a basic set of experiences ...

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Cognitive Development in Adolescents

Piaget, Vygotsky, and Gelman have all made substantial contributions to the area of research involving cognitive development during early childhood despite their somewhat contrasting viewpoints. Piaget’s research focused on what he termed the preoperational stage of cognitive development that occurs in children between the ages of 2 and 7 years. He believed that children at ...

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Jean Piaget and the Classroom

Jean Piaget’s key contribution to the field of psychology and education was his theory of cognitive development. Before diving into his theory one should understand that cognition is the way we organize our thought processes based on prior experiences. For example, cognitive activities include problem solving skills and the ability to examine intricate tasks in ...

Piaget’s Contributions to Psychology

Swiss biologist and psychologist Jean Piaget worked primarily in the area of child development and his work on cognitive development has international reverence. This paper will look at how Jean Piaget helped shape psychology and poses three questions to Piaget in regards to his life and work. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchâtel, Switzerland in ...

Karla News

The Great Toy Report: A Review of 10 Infant and Toddler Toys

Parent’s and child care providers don’t always think about the reasons for why they suddenly decide to purchase a new toy. They see it in the store and they decide to buy it. It sounds rather simple, but what they don’t understand is that companies market their products to make the toys, especially those made ...

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Piaget’s Object Permanence

Cognitive development is the intellectual maturity which transpires from infancy to adulthood. The first to propose systems of measuring the manner by which infants and children perceive and think about the world, Jean Piaget’s model for cognitive development was created in the 1920’s and demonstrated the great disparity in how babies and children think about ...