Articles for tag: Breakfast on the Go, Cocoa Krispies, Froot Loops, Straws

Karla News

How to Make Easy Round, Tiered Cakes

Have you ever seen one of those ice cream cakes that looks like a giant ball that’s been cut in half? There’s cake on the outside, but ice cream in the middle, and they’re made with specially shaped baking pans. You don’t necessarily have to have special pans to create similar cakes – even though ...

Karla News

Froot Loops Marshmallow Cereal is a Winner

My parents lived through the Great Depression and because of that they are both extremely frugal. My mom knew the prices of every item in a half a dozen grocery stores and would travel to each to get the best buys on everything. For the most part, that meant name-brand items did not grace our ...

Bear Naked Granola Versus Cocoa Krispies Cereal

Granola has a reputation for being a super-healthy “power food”– packed with energy and nutrition for a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, children’s cereals such as Cocoa Krispies, Froot Loops, and Frosted Flakes are perceived as extremely sugary with little to no nutritional value. A health conscious person would obviously choose granola cereal over ...

Karla News

Cocoa Puffs Cereal

One of my favorie breakfast foods is chocolate – flavored cold cereal and I regularly eat several different types of it. One of my favorite cold cereals is Cocoa Puffs. Made by General Mills, Cocoa Puffs are round puffs of corn that are chocolate – frosted. I think it would be hard to eat a ...