Articles for tag: Coco Chanel, Flappers

Karla News

Era of the Flapper

Era of the Flapper Women went through a drastic cultural change from before World War I to the 1920’s. After the First World War, women no longer considered themselves economically or politically below men’s standards. Beyond the change of clothing, sex appeal, smoking cigarettes, and late night jazz clubs, the overall morale of women changed. ...

Karla News

Coco Chanel: The Life and Style of a Fashion Icon

Named by Time Magazine as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, the name Coco Chanel is universally recognized along with her signature ‘double c’ logo. The classic brand has made its mark in fashion history with its fashion pieces representing the classic woman. Who is Coco Chanel? Born in France in ...

Karla News

The Fashions of the Roaring Twenties

A woman looks in the mirror–her hair short and her silhouette straight. It’s a far cry from the fancy up-do and corseted figure that her mother had adorned. But she loves it. In a complete rejection of the Victorian era, where women had abandoned the air restricting corsets and elaborate yet conservative clothing, the 1920s ...

1920’s Fashion Statements for Women

The 1920’s was a time period of diverse change in American History. World War I had ended and people were feeling free spirited, women were given the right to vote, and the prohibition movement began. Amongst all of the changes that took place during this era, one vivid image stands out from the rest, that ...

Karla News

The Most Authentic 1920s Costume

The 1920s were a great time for fashion: women in short dresses and fringe with strands and strands of beads wearing their short hair in elegant fingerwaves could be seen enjoying jazz at popular speakeasys. It was a time when the liberation of fashion paralleled the newfound liberation of women, who’d just won the right ...

How to Look like Audrey Hepburn

Audrey Hepburn famously said “my look is attainable.” How can this be true for someone widely proclaimed one of the most beautiful women of all time? Because Audrey Hepburn is at least as well known for her style as for her beauty, with a few signature pieces, any woman can achieve Audrey Hepburn’s timeless style. ...