Articles for tag: Clotting, Hemophilia

Hemophilia Treatment and Complications

Hemophilia is the inability of the body to control the clotting and coagulation of blood. There are two different types: hemophilia A and hemophilia B. A occurs in .01 to .02 percent of male births and B which occurs in .003 to .005 percent of male births. The reason the statistics are measured in male ...

Living with Hemophilia

How would you like to go through your entire life where your body is unable to control bleeding whether it is internal or external? That is what my six year old cousin, Parker, as well as many other people in the world suffers from every minute of the day for all of their lives. But ...

Marijuana’s Effects on the Heart

Marijuana is a common recreation drug, which is the most common recreational drug used in the United States and perhaps the world. In 1997, a survey of 12th graders found that about 50% of them had reported smoking marijuana at least once. Despite the public ‘s perception that marijuana is a benign drug with minimal ...

Factor V Leiden – Are You at Risk?

I had never heard of Factor V Leiden until almost two years ago. I received a phone call one morning, my mother told me that my sister, 30 at the time, had been admitted into the hospital. We did not know what had happened to her, but she was unresponsive to her husband, so he ...

Functions of Vitamin E in the Body

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient which is used by the body primarily as an antioxidant used to protect cell membranes and other high lipid structures. Vitamin E also acts as a regulator for a few different systems in the body and has a direct impact on the levels of Vitamin A and Vitamin C ...

Karla News

Hemophilia: Causes, Effects, and Treatments

Hemophilia is a disorder caused by a genetic defect, meaning it is determined from your parents if you will have Hemophilia or not. This disorder is found on the X chromosome, which determines whether a child will be male or female, however males cannot pass this disorder to their male offspring. This disease almost always ...

Karla News

What is Factor V Leiden?

Clotting can mean the difference between life and death. In normal, healthy people, clotting prevents blood loss; in others, the clotting mechanism doesn’t work properly and clots will overstay their welcome. Thrombophilia is a general term for any disorder that puts someone at a higher risk of developing blood clots. Factor V Leiden is one ...

Food Sources High in Vitamin K

Vitamin K is found in a large variety of food and is easily obtained in most situations. The recommended amount of Vitamin K to be consumed is 120mcg/day in adult males, and 90mcg/day in females. The most common food sources of Vitamin K include vegetables, especially dark green ones like spinach and broccoli. There are ...

Karla News

What Causes Easy Bruising?

Some people bruise with the slightest bump – and the bruises seem to take forever to heal. Easy bruising is usually nothing to worry about, although in some cases, it can be a sign of a serious health problem. What causes easy bruising and should you be concerned if you bruise easily? What Causes Easy ...