Articles for tag: Antibiotics, Cephalexin, Clostridium Difficile, Gram

All You Wanted to Know About Antibiotics!!!!

An antibiotic is a substance or compound that kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria. Antibiotics can be broadly classified as either bactericidal or bacteriostatic. Bactericidals kill bacteria directly where bacteriostatics prevent cell division. Antibiotics which target the bacterial cell wall (penicillins, cephalosporins), or cell membrane (polymixins), or interfere with essential bacterial enzymes (quinolones, fluroquinolone) ...

Karla News

The Scoop on Poop and Probiotics

The Scoop on Poop I am reluctant to talk about poop. I confess that find it an embarrassing and very personal subject, not one I generally broach publicly. But let’s face it – we all poop and there are important things we should know about poop if we want to understand our own health. Fortunately, ...

C.diff… What is it and How Dangerous is It?

What is C.dif? During November of last year my husband became seriously ill and was in the hospital for almost three months. During that time they had to put in a pacemaker, found an infected toes and tried to find out what else was wrong with him. He missed all the holiday at home and ...

Karla News

Beneficial Microorganisms

Beneficial Microorganisms Microorganisms and food are often thought of as a deadly, or at least highly sickening, combination. Often the microorganisms that one would connect with food are those that cause illness such as Escherichia coli or Salmonella. However, there are many microorganisms in food that are beneficial. These bacteria help contribute to the taste, ...

Karla News

What is Clostridium Difficile?

Clostridium difficile can be deadly. Clostridium difficile is everywhere. Clostridium difficile affects hospitalized patients and those living in nursing homes. A nasty intestinal superbug, Clostridium difficile is back in the news after it has been blamed for an uptick in deaths in the United States, Canada, and also the United Kingdom. Do you know how ...

Culturelle – Lactobacillus is Not Created Equal

Antibiotics can prove quite unhealthy for the lower gut and is one instance whereas Lactobacillus may be needed. Yet, few probiotics survive stomach acid – as does a formula labeled Culturelle. If you need a probiotic and it is not reaching your intestines then it is a waste of money at best. Additionally, while there ...

Karla News

C. Difficile and Children: My Son’s Experience

When my oldest son was two and needed antibiotics for the first time, I thought nothing of it. I had been on antibiotics countless times as a child, and I believed them to be extremely safe and effective. Serious side effects never crossed my mind, and I had never even heard of the bacteria, Clostridium ...

Karla News

Probiotics: Can Bacteria Be Good for You?

Can bacteria actually be good for you? Healthy bacteria, referred to as probiotics, definitely can. Certain microbes, when taken live, and in the correct amounts, have been shown to be beneficial to health. In fact, there are so many health benefits, that it would be difficult to cite them all. Probiotics have been shown to ...