Articles for tag: Citronella, Insect Repellents, Mosquito Bites, Mosquito Trap, Mosquitoes

Karla News

Ten Ways to Avoid Mosquito Bites

Mosquito bites are annoying at best. Many outdoor parties have been ruined by the constant slapping of mosquitoes with the consequences of itchy, unsightly, bumpy bites. Mosquito bites are not only annoying, they are worrisome for their ability to spread disease. West Nile disease is potentially serious disease that can be caused by the mosquito ...

Karla News

Making Citronella Lanterns

Mosquitoes are a nasty part of outdoor activities in the summer time, especially when the weather is humid. Dousing yourself in bug repellent is not the way you were probably wanting to spend your evening. You can keep the mosquitoes away with enough citronella torches or candles, but they are expensive, costing over $100 to ...

Karla News

How to Remove Mosquitoes from Your Yard

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance to any yard during the summer months and especially in the fall season. Mosquitoes carry diseases such as HIV, West Nile, Encephalitis and many more that officials are still researching. Mosquitoes main breeding grounds focus on areas that hold or have water standing. As a homeowner you should walk around ...

Karla News

Top Five Best Organic Mosquito Repellents

Spring is here and Summer is fast approaching along with those flying biting insects, which means we will have to bring out that nasty chemical filled insect repellent that is bad for us and our environment just to keep those insects away right? Wrong, there are several organic insect repellents to choose from out on ...

Karla News

Mosquito Control: How to Avoid and Repel Mosquitoes Naturally

Even before the West Nile virus, people disliked mosquitoes. They are an unpleasant nuisance and can ruin an enjoyable summer evening. The best defense against mosquitoes is to avoid being bit. Understanding what attracts mosquitoes is as important as understanding what repels them. Mosquitoes like: humidity such as perspiration, moist plants, and puddles. dark clothes ...

Karla News

What Are Gel Fuels

I am constantly asked by people who don’t own ventless fireplaces exactly what is a gel fuel. So instead of being me today and trying to tell you about some wild fireplace idea I have, I thought I would give a run down and talk about the differences of gel fuels. Hopefully, this will help ...

Get Rid of Bees the Natural Way

Spring is such a wonderful season to head out to the backyard. It is the time when all the flowers are in full bloom, making it such a welcome sight to see after all that snow the previous winter. But the presence of full-bloomed flowers would bring about bees to visit your backyard. While bees ...

Karla News

7 Plants that Naturally Repel Mosquitoes

I live in mosquito country. Seriously. These blood sucking, disease-carrying creatures get bigger than some sub compact cars in my region. Every summer I battle them, spray chemicals on myself, my kids, give my animals chemicals to protect them from heartworm disease, which is carried by these skeeters, and have tried every bug zapper and ...

Easy DIY Backyard Entertainment Décor Ideas

Living in the south, spending time in the backyard is a way of life. We grow food in the sunny area of the backyard during the summer then harvest the food at the peak of freshness and move over to a shady area of the backyard to prepare and eat our homegrown bounty. Family and ...

Many Uses of Citronella

Citronella is made from Cymbopogon, a genus of grasses that are commonly found in warm temperatures like in tropical regions. The tall perennial grasses commonly referred to as lemon grass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, fever grass, Hierba Luisa and, of course, the citronella grass. Citronella has been used for years to keep annoying bugs ...