Articles for tag: Circulatory Problems, Psyllium

Karla News

Connecting ADD, ADHD, Hypertension, Atherosclerosis and Depression

Most people who suffer from atherosclerosis have problems with circulation in their legs. Numbness, tingling, cramps, cold feet, pain and other circulatory problems in the lower extremities are early signs of atherosclerosis. Arteries are more likely to become restricted in the legs before they are in the arms. Following is a test that was invented ...

Karla News

Natural Remedies for Poor Circulation

A well-functioning circulatory system is crucial for vitality and optimal health. It does not help that modern life prompts us to develop poor eating habits (such as overeating, or choosing processed foods for the sake of convenience), exposes us to immense daily stress, and brings about sedentary lifestyles. Every cell within our bodies requires nutrients ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Aniseed

As one of the strongest essential oils of all, aniseed should only be used with great care but the results can be incredible. Aromatic anise seeds, a revered digestive tonic of the Greeks and Romans, are still used in confectionery and as flavoring for alcoholic beverages, especially Pernod and Turkish raki. The essential oil is ...

Karla News

The Effects of Cat Bites on Humans

When you have pet cats, you love them as part of the family. Part of your love and care involves playing with your cat, which may include play biting. You also may experience a bite or two when giving your cat certain care that he may not especially care for, like grooming or bathing. You ...

Vitamin K and Heavy Menstruation

Doctors call the excessive loss of blood during menstruation “menorrhagia”. Not only does menorrhagia happen when the menstrual flow is too heavy, but it also happens when a normal flow lasts too long, resulting in excessive blood loss. Heavy bleeding is not the problem, but is symptomatic of another underlying problem within the woman’s body. ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Lady’s Mantle

The herbaceous perennial Lady’s Mantle is a popular garden herb which grows in temperate climes throughout Asia and Europe and is also found in parts of Africa and the Americas. With the Latin name is Alchemilla vulgaris, although it is more commonly referred to by the nicknames Lions’ Foot, Bear’s Foot and Nine Hooks, the ...