Articles for tag: Church of Satan, Rohypnol

Karla News

Michael Alig – Released This Year?

If you haven’t heard of Michael Alig, don’t worry. It’s probably best that you haven’t heard of him. Still, I find his story is quite interesting. Alig became known as a club promoter/club kid in NYC in the late 80’s, after Andy Warhol died. He is said to be the ring leader of the wild ...

Karla News

Behind Richard Ramirez the Serial Killer

Most serial killers come from dysfunctional families, and they seem to have little love and more abusive tendencies due to a lack of emotional reactions to the horror that they have caused. These types of people start out sometimes harming animals. They also tend to have issues in school or can’t seem to get anyone ...

Karla News

Rock and Roll: Illuminati Satanism?

Everyone has heard Christian parents forbid rock and roll music, saying that rock and roll is the devil’s music. According to John Todd, a former occult member of the illuminati, rock and roll is from Satan. John Todd was a former occultist, who was born into an illuminati family. John Todd, his family, and the ...

Karla News

What is the Satanic Bible?

The Church of Satan is a religious body that most people don’t actually understand, and so many stories have cropped up around it that it’s hard to separate the myth from the truth. The best place to start is by reading the Satanic Bible, a book written by Anton LaVey who was the founder of ...