Articles for tag: Chronic Sinusitis, Postnasal Drip, Sinus Problems, Sinus Relief

Salty Taste in Mouth: Causes and Solutions

A salty taste in your mouth has a very interesting and likely cause. Many people are bothered by a salty taste in their mouth, in the absence of having eaten any spicy foods, and this strange sensation may be persistent, on and off, or more of an occasional issue. Nevertheless, a mysterious salty taste in ...

Karla News

Alternative Medicine for Sinus Infections

For anyone who has suffered from a sinus infection, you know that the pain can be unbearable. The infections-which typically follow a cold-can last for several days. For some, the symptoms last for considerably longer, sometimes as long as eight weeks. If you have had a sinus infection, you have probably been prescribed one of ...

What Causes a Constant Runny Nose?

Do you carry a box of tissues in your pocket, because your nose is always runny? A constant runny nose is an annoyance and an inconvenience – but what causes this problem? The most common cause of a constant runny nose is perennial rhinitis. Unlike seasonal allergic rhinitis, an allergic reaction that occurs when certain ...

Karla News

Do You Have an Aspirin Allergy or Sensitivity?

I have been sensitive to various prescription medications but never had a problem with aspirin until recently. Aspirin may sometimes cause an allergic-type reaction in people without a known reason. Although it is not always a true allergy, even sensitivities can sometimes cause life-threatening reactions. I found out from my allergist that people with moderate ...

What Are Sinuses?

Sinuses are air cavities within the facial bones. There are four pairs of sinuses that communicate with the nose called the paranasal sinuses. They are named according to their anatomical position, the Frontal, Sphenoid, Ethmoid and Maxillary Sinuses. The Frontal Sinus is located above the eyes. The Sphenoid Sinus is behind the bridge of the ...

What to Do About Sinusitis

Many of us are suffering from sinus issues including sinusitis. All you want is relief fast when you can’t breath and your sinus areas are plugged. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membranes that line your sinus cavities, which is why you feel that swelling feeling. The swelling is what causes the plugged feeling because ...

Karla News

Autism and OCD in the Family

I did not find a doctor who noted that my daughter and I appeared to be on the autism spectrum until I was forty and my daughter seven. That was nearly ten years ago. Since that time, I have tried to understand the rather odd behaviors of generations of my family–five generations to be exact. ...

A Sinusitis Cure Your Doctor Won’t Disclose

Sinuitis patients have suffered chronic breathing difficulties and congestion for centuries. While practitioners insist there is no permanent cure, even after surgery, innovative wellness technology has somwhat proved otherwise. Steam baths have been in use since early civilisation by Turks and Romans while the dry sauna originated from Scandinavia. Nasal ployps and a deviated nasal ...

Nasal Spray Addiction

There are at least 50 million people in the United States that suffer from chronic sinus problems. For some it means a continually runny nose, while for others it means constant nasal congestion. The constant sinus problems, also know as sinusitis, can cause difficulty breathing, headaches, bad breath, and sleepless nights. Compounding this problem is ...