Articles for tag: Choosing a Dog, Cocker Spaniels, Family Dogs

Karla News

Best Dog Breeds for Active Outdoors Families

Choosing a dog that fits your lifestyle is an important part of successfully companion dog ownership. The breed is often chosen on impulse, because of its appearance, reputation, or as the current fad, and not for the particular characteristics that will make it a good pet that fits the family’s lifestyle and activity level. Families ...

Karla News

A List of Top Ten Dogs Great for Families

When you make the decision to get a dog, there are many things to take into consideration before doing so. First you have to of a sound mind to be a responsible pet parent. It is a commitment to provide a good home, care, a bed, toys, food, and lots of love, time and attention. ...

Karla News

The Best Dog Breeds for Seniors

Dogs provide us with entertainment, companionship, love and security. Caring for a dog can ease loneliness, stress, and pain, and this is especially true for the elderly. The devoted companionship of a dog has been shown to encourage senior citizens to become more physically active, emotionally responsive and cooperate better with caregivers and doctors, all ...

Karla News

Dog Breed Basics 101 – Chihuahua

The Chihuahua. What a curious little creature. From their bigger then life attitudes and their range of physical attributes, its easy to fall in love with these dogs. First lets go over the bad rep these guys have gotten. Yippy, snippy little rat dogs! Say what? Alright, some Chihuahua’s can be like this. With proper ...

Karla News

The Hillbilly’s Guide to Choosing a Dog for Rabbit Hunting

Hunting for my Ozark ancestors was necessary for everyday survival. For them killing wild game was almost a daily routine in order to have meat on the table for the main meal of the day. Besides being an accurate marksman and having a good shotgun or rifle, my Hillbilly kinfolk also needed good, well-trained hunting ...

Karla News

Four Indestructible Dog Toys!

When I say indestructible dog toys, I have to qualify that by saying these toys are indestructible in most cases. Having been the parent to several large mixed breed German shepherds in my lifetime, I know many dogs, if they’re determined and persistent enough can destroy almost anything. But the toys I’m about to mention ...