Articles for tag: Chia Pet

Karla News

Grass and Sponge Chia Pet House

My daughter-in-law, Ashleigh, comes up with some of the neatest craft ideas for our youngest son, Hunter Cole. Her most recent idea for spring was a homemade Chia Pet, and it was really simple to make. Actually, the making of it involved less than the baby-sitting of it after it was made. It didn’t even ...

Karla News

5 Holiday Gag Gifts that Are Also Practical

My friend recently snagged a Snuggie from a co-worker who received it as a gag gift last Christmas and never used it. Although the Snuggie is advertised on TV as a practical clothing item, most people read between the lines and realize it looks silly for grownups to lounge around the house in what is ...

Karla News

Harvesting Chia Seed

Overview Chia seed is full of protein, fiber, antioxidants and Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. 1 tsp. of chia in 1/4 cup of water will turn gelatinous. This reaction also takes place in the stomach, separating carbohydrates from digestive enzymes. The reaction is a benefit to dieters and diabetic patients because it keeps hunger at ...

Karla News

Eat Chia Seeds to Boost Energy and Elevate Mood

I remember wanting a Chia pet after seeing the commercials for them when I was younger but I never thought of eating one. Until recently, when I was watching Dr. Oz on television and he spoke a lot about chia seeds and it’s many health benefits. Of course, he doesn’t mean to eat the Chia ...

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Salba

Do you remember the once famous Chia pet? To create a Chia pet, moistened chia seeds were spread over the surface of a terra cotta figurine in the shape of an animal. After watering the seeds, the figurine would grow “hair” in the form of chia sprouts to resemble animal fur. This phenomenon delighted many ...

Karla News

The Top Ten Craziest Fads of the 1980’s

The 1980’s was a decade in which the American population numbered approximately 226,546,000. On the average, a yearly salary was $15,757. Minimum wage was $3.10 an hour. If you were a man, your life expectancy was a bit less than 70 years. Women were expected to live longer, to age about 77-1/2. If you were ...