Articles for tag: Chest Freezer, Freezers, Popcorn Popper

How to Safely Defrost Your Chest Freezer

One of the drawbacks of a chest freezer is that they do not come with an automatic defrost feature. Since a frost or ice build-up can actually cause a freezer to run less efficiently, a periodic defrost should be part of a regular housekeeping routine. High efficiency freezers that are less than 10 years old ...

Ice Cream Sunday’s: A No Risk Concession Business

When the temperature is in the 90’s and nobody’s lining up at the Hot Dog concession stand, where have all the customers gone? To the Ice Cream concession. Messing with a typical soft serve ice cream machine requires washing, sanitizing, mixing, freezing. Perishable ingredients, expense, expense, risk, risk. There’s an easier way, so much easier ...

Karla News

The Basics of Breastmilk Storage

Many breastfeeding moms, especially those who work, need to pump breastmilk for a caregiver to feed to baby with a bottle. Others feel the need to pump breastmilk and have a stash in the freezer in case of emergency. Storing breastmilk is a simple process, but certain guidelines must be followed to ensure that your ...

Karla News

How to Freeze Your Home Grown Produce

If you love fresh, home grown vegetables, you will love freezing your produce to enjoy at a later date. By freezing the produce, you lock in many of the vitamins and minerals naturally found in the vegetables. Canned vegetables are so processed that much of the nutrients are lost through the preservation process. While no ...

Where to Find Quality Meat at a Cheap Price

Purchasing meat takes up a big chunk of a family’s grocery bills. With lean hamburger averaging $3 a pound and a decent cuts of steak running between $5 to $15 a pound, it’s no small wonder why a family’s grocery budget feels so pinched. In fact, at the food bank where I volunteer, the number ...