Articles for tag: Cheap Clothes, Cheap Clothing, Housesitting

5 Unique Window Covering Ideas

The poet, Keats, called windows: “Charmed magic casements,” and with the right window covering ideas they can be. I first learned to apply interior decorating ideas to windows back in college. Living on a first-floor cramped dorm room, I wanted not only to decorate my window but to add a little privacy to it. I ...

Karla News

Cheap Clothing Stores in Greensboro

If you’re looking to go shopping but don’t have a lot of money, try some of Greensboro’s cheapest clothing stores. High Quality Used Clothing Stores: 1.) The Clothesline: 901 Spring Garden St. The Clothesline is one of two Greensboro clothing stores that buys and sells used clothes, but only accepts clothing in excellent condition. They ...

Karla News

Best Thrift Stores in Houston, Texas

The current recession is causing all of us to tighten our belts a bit. One way to save money is to shop at thrift stores, where you can find everything from designer evening dresses to reading lamps at discounted prices. Buying used clothing and goods also helps the green movement, as recycling items is much ...

European Workwear is Coming to America

If you ever visit a European factory or job site, one thing you will notice is the clothing the workers are wearing. It is not like an American jobsite, where many times workers will wear torn jeans or almost worn out clothing. Many European workers will have a professional look to them and the clothing ...