Articles for tag: Bug Bites, Chagas Disease

Karla News

Kissing Bugs in Tucson, Arizona

The other night when I came home, I felt like Tippi Hedren in the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock horror movie, The Birds. In the movie, Tippi Hedren was attacked by birds on the front porch. For me, there wasn’t anything unusual about that night for Tucson, Arizona. It had rained a few nights before, but I ...

Sleep Tight Don’t Let the Kissing Bugs Bite

The once notorious night-time terror, the bed bug, has some competition to contend with in the minds of those climbing into bed tonight: the Triatomine bug better known as the “kissing” bug. Although endemic only in Central and South America, a map from the Centers of Disease Control show occurrences in 25 states in the ...

Karla News

Read About Chagas Disease and the Kisssing Bug

Chagas disease comes from a parasite transmitted through the feces of a blood-sucking insect, which is known as the kissing bug. The disease is endemic in rural areas from Mexico to Argentina. The Mexican Herald reports than an estimated one and a half to two million Mexicans are infected with this parasite. More recently it ...

Karla News

The Stages and Transmission of Chagas Disease

Chagas Disease is an infection caused by the parasite Trypanosoma Cruzi. It is a member of the same genus as the infectious agent of the African Sleeping sickness, but the clinical manifestations, geographical distribution, life cycle and insect vector are very different. Chagas Disease was named after a Brazilian physician and infectologist Carlos Chagas, who ...