Articles for tag: Cedar Mulch, Mulch, Organic Mulch

Karla News

Buying Bark Mulch: Uses and Types

Using bark mulch continues to be a popular method of not only controlling weeds, but also for landscaping. What is the difference between wood and bark mulch? Anything with “bark” in the name must be at least 85% bark of the tree that is named. Wood tends to breakdown quicker than bark. The mulch also ...

Karla News

Landscaping Ideas for a Very Small Yard

A very small yard is preferred by some since it’s easy to care for, but many who have tiny yards are finding it difficult to come up with landscaping ideas. What can you do with a very small yard that’s nothing more than a strip of grass and a patio? Actually you can do a ...

Landscaping in the Mountains

Landscaping in the mountains is much different than landscaping in the city. Some landscaping ideas will work in both areas, but not all of them. I’ve compiled a list of landscaping tips to help anyone in the mountains at high altitude. The best landscaping advice I can give is to do some research by visiting ...

Karla News

Creating Garden Walkways

A garden walkway is an ideal place to highlight your creativity. Constructed of natural or manufactured materials, a walkway can blend in; becoming a complement to the garden, or created in a manner that it in turn becomes the focal point of the whole setting. The Path Itself Before choosing a base material, consider the ...