Articles for tag: Cannibalism, Shark Diving, Sharks, Siamese Fighting Fish

Karla News

How Do Sand Tiger Sharks Reproduce?

Sand tiger sharks (also known as grey nurse sharks or Carcharias taurus) are relatively placid sharks, but their offspring are scarier than anything seen in the movies. Unlike most sharks, sand tiger sharks give birth instead of lay eggs. Although dozens of baby sharks are fertilized, only one or two survives to be born. Say ...

Child Cannibalism in India

It is one of the most macabre tales of child cannibalism. The incident came to light when by chance the human bones were discovered in the backyard drain running across the sprawling bungalow of the main accused Moninder Singh. Moninder Singh is a local businessman residing in Noida, Utter Pradesh, North India. The finding of ...

Karla News

Wendigo, the Canadian Myth

I’ll admit to never even having heard of the term wendigo until an episode of the now defunct hit television series “Charmed.” Even then, I just automatically assumed that it was just another name for the mythological creature – the werewolf. I was, of course, wrong! The wendigo is apparently unique to North America. Algonquian ...

Karla News

Preventing Cannibalism in Hamsters

Hamsters are cute, comical ‘” and cannibals. They will pass up a chance of eating dead hamsters. They evolved in arid, food-poor regions, and so they will not pass up any chance to chow down on a huge source of fresh protein. But hamster cannibalism is most prevalent in mother hamsters killing and eating their ...