Articles for tag: Camellia Sinensis, Streptococcus, White Tea

Karla News

Uncovering the Truth About White Tea

White tea along with the other three major types of tea come from the Camellia sinensis plant, according to Environmental Nutrition in 2004. Leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant produce all real teas; whereas, herbal teas come from herbs or plants other than Carnellia sinensis. Web MD describes the four types of real tea as ...

Karla News

Benefits of Green and White Tea

I first was introduced to green tea in 1998 when I heard a lecture by an epidemiologist about his research on Green Tea. This talk mentioned the benefit of green tea in reducing cancer rates. I did not start drinking green tea though until I was completing medical school and now in my residency, I ...

Karla News

Start Growing Your Own Green Tea Plant

Tired of driving miles away to the gourmet tea shop? Want to know exactly where your morning tea is coming from and how it was grown? Looking for a healthy new gardening challenge? Try growing a green tea plant at home! Right now the majority of the tea used in the U.S. and sold in ...

The Most Beneficial Tea for Your Health

It’s no secret that tea is healthy for you. The health benefits of tea have been recognized for thousands of years, but those seeking the seeped leaves benefits for health reasons rather than taste preference alone, have to wonder, which tea is the most beneficial to your health? That’s a tricky question because all tea ...