Articles for tag: Burden of Proof, Criminal Law, Reasonable Doubt, University of Phoenix

Karla News

Criminal Law

Criminal Law Criminal law also known as penal law is a set of rules and regulations that define certain punishments for particular crimes or wrongs that are executed against the state or society. Throughout this document criminal laws purpose and sources, jurisdictions that create and enforce criminal law, the adversarial system and standards of proof ...

Karla News

Double Jeopardy in Criminal Law

Laws against double jeopardy in the United States are used to protect the integrity of the legal system as well as to protect citizens’ rights when it comes to crime. It is illegal in the U.S. to prosecute an individual twice for the same crime, no matter the circumstances. The only way in which a ...

Karla News

Arrested for Failure to Pay Child Support?

In the United States, failure to pay child support is actionable within both the criminal and civil courts, and is considered a serious offense. If you owe child support to the other parent of your child, and you haven’t bothered to send a payment in six months, you might very well be arrested. Although police ...

Karla News

Oliver Stone’s JFK: The Worst Case Scenario for a Movie Claiming to Be Based on a True Story

Oliver Stone’s JFK is the most infamous historical film to take outrageous liberties with the known facts and disproved theories surrounding an actual historical event only to have the director defend the elusiveness of truth within his cinematic history lesson via claims of postmodern theoretical constructs. Oliver Stone’s further compounded the crime of claiming that ...

Karla News

“Degree of Care” & How Levels of Negligence Are Established

If you have become the victim of injury, or had property damaged by another individual, you may be considering suit for recovery of your damages. When filing a claim for damages with an insurance company, or filing suit for damages, your claim will need to outline the degree of care the at-fault individuals failed to ...

Karla News

Judge and Jury: Key Players in U.S. Courtrooms

The United States has an adversarial legal system. In a count room, two opposing sides come before a judge (and sometimes a jury) to present their cases. The role of the judge and the jury differ when jury trials take place. There are two general types of proceedings which take place in court–civil and criminal. ...