Articles for tag: Bunions, Nonsurgical, Shoe Repair

Screaming Bunions

The pain can be unbearable sometimes. You can be sitting in a very important meeting and all of a sudden the sharp pain comes in an instant, you try to sit there and pay close attention while trying to get your shoe off with the opposite foot. You’re sound asleep dreaming of something wonderful when ...

Health Care and Your Feet: What Are Bunions?

You may want to check with your health care provider and see what the cost of removing a bunion is. You may not even know what a bunion is, do you? Most people give very little consideration to the care of their feet over the years. As they become older even the smallest of bumps ...

Karla News

Painful Bunions

Women’s shoes tend to feature pointed toes that end up pinching our feet. Our shoes usually do not have an appropriate arch support either. High heels shift the body’s weight onto the balls of your feet. This will actually create issues with your tendons and your pelvis. All of these together creates a wonderful environment ...

Karla News

What Can You Do About Bunions?

Millions of people have to deal with those horrible painful bunions on a daily basis. But what do you do when you get them? How can you get rid of them? First let’s make sure that it is a bunion that you have and not something else. A bunion is basically a bump on the ...

Karla News

Fit Feet: The Importance of Proper Foot Care

The summer months are just ahead, and most of us are planning to bare our feet to keep them cool during the warmer temperatures. There are many reasons we should take care of our feet, for they are the foundation that we stand on, keeping us mobile in our everyday lives. We want our feet ...

Remedies to Relieve the Pain of Bunions

If you wear narrow shows frequently you will run the risk of getting those painful bunions that develop on the toes, especially the big toe. Bunions are caused by a swelling of the joint and produce a red, swollen, and painful knot on the bone just under the big toe. Serious cases of bunions often ...

Bunions: The Right Shoes Can Make the Difference

Bunions are a painful condition that, if left untreated (whether at home or by a doctor), can become so severe it will make walking even short distances difficult. And, cosmetically, bunions can aversely affect the way your feet look. How do you know you have bunions? Well, there will be a bony bump on the ...