Articles for tag: Brown Fat, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Karla News

The Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice is often thought of as a “health” food, and for good reason! Brown rice is far more healthy for our bodies than white rice is. Brown rice is essentially the same as white rice, in the fact that it comes from the same plant. There is no “brown rice” plant and “white rice” ...

Weight Loss with the Rice Diet

With New Year’s quickly approaching, many people are thinking of ways to start losing weight and keep their New Year’s resolution to stay fit and healthy. One way that many people have turned to over the past 70 years has been the Rice Diet. Started in the 1930s, the Rice Diet is an extreme weight ...

Karla News

13 Foods to Promote Weight Loss

The whole world is in an Obesity epidemic. It is said” you are what you eat and you are what you think”. Both are important in this context of weight loss. The truth about losing weight is about managing calorie intake and calorie expenditure. The whole thing about losing weight is about managing calorie intake ...

Karla News

Types of Cells in the Human Body

Each cell in our body is specialized for a specific role. Many cells have the same constituent parts, but radically divergent functions. Nerve Cells Nerve cells, also known as neurons, are excited by chemical signals, transmitting an electrical impulse to other neurons in neural pathways. These are the main components of the brain, responsible for ...

Karla News

The Importance of Chromium in Human Health

According to the USDA, only one in ten Americans gets even the minimum recommended daily amount of 50 micrograms (mcg.) of chromium. The problem is often worsened by the fact that both exercise and high sugar consumption increase the body’s need for chromium. Chromium deficiency can cause serious problems related to weight management, energy and ...