Articles for tag: Barry Levinson, Brian De Palma, Screenplays

Karla News

Famous American Playwright and Storyteller David Mamet

On November 30th, 1947 David Alan Mamet was born in Chicago. Known for having an avid imagination and a natural knack for storytelling, throughout his childhood he was known to keep a pen and paper close and even professed to his mother that one day he would eventually become a famous writer. When he was ...

Karla News

Top Ten Mafia Movies

It’s not easy to choose the top ten mafia movies, given how many films have been made about the subject. From Coppola’s The Godfather, usually ranked as one of the ten top movies of all time, mafia or not, to movies in recent years which have given us the good, bad and ugly of organized ...

Karla News

Al Pacino Quotes – His Top 10 Quotations & Sayings

Al Pacino has starred in two of the most quotable movies of all-time in Scarface and The Godfather. All of his most famous quotes are from the movies, but his personal quotes are interesting, too. Al Pacino’s top ten best personal quotes cover his thoughts on money, his movies and other actors. I especially like ...

Karla News

The Independent Moviemaker – Understanding Genre: the Gangster Film

Every genre has an archetypical storyline specific to the particular genre. This is particularly true of the Gangster genre. Popularized in the 1930s, this genre is all about impatience. The ‘hero’ is a man who wants it all, but doesn’t want to go through the normal channels to get it. A typical gangster in these ...