Articles for tag: Breastfeeding Baby, Mastitis

When a Breastfeeding Baby Bites

My son bit me while he was nursing. He drew blood. Most of my friends told me to stop nursing. However, my son had a milk allergy, so weaning would be difficult and probably expensive. I was determined to stick it out, but I found little guidance. If you are having the same problem, here ...

Breastfeeding? Yes, You Can Still Get Pregnant

Even though I told him I would be breastfeeding, I think I received the contraception speech from my doctor a dozen times before I was discharged from the hospital. The mantra of “you can get pregnant while breastfeeding” reigned. I got the point, not that I cared, after have a 9-pound baby sex was about ...

Karla News

Five Signs of Celiac Disease

When my daughter started having health issues at only a couple months old, her doctors suspected that her difficulties may have been caused by celiac disease. We eventually discovered that celiac disease was not the cause of her problems, but we learned quite a bit about it over the months that we believed that the ...

Karla News

Decoding Baby Poop

Poop becomes an everyday conversation when you have a baby. You talk about how much they poop, how often they poop, and what the poop looks like. Like adults, baby poop changes frequently. Sometimes these changes can be alarming to parents. It can be strange when your baby’s poop changes, but nothing he/she eats has ...