Articles for tag: Box Turtle, Tortoises, Turtle Care

Karla News

The Five Best Turtles to Keep as Pets

Turtles, and tortoises can be really great pets. The first thing you want to consider when deciding what turtle to buy, is if you want an aquatic turtle, or a land based one. Land tortoises are much easier to care for than aquatic ones, but are generally less active. Aquatic tortoises require a water-based cage, ...

Karla News

Vitamin A Deficiency in Pet Box Turtles

Hypovitaminosis A, a vitamin A deficiency common in captive box turtles, endangers healthy hibernation patterns. Since turtles eat a frequently unbalanced diet, it is up to the pet owner to supervise the nutritional intake. Would you know what to look for? Does My Box Turtle Suffer from Hypovitaminosis A? Swollen eyelids are a telltale sign ...

Karla News

Different Types of Turtles

Choosing a Healthy Pet Turtle Finding a pet turtle at a pet store can be a challenge. It is important to observe the enclosures that house the turtles for signs of neglect. This includes dirty and unkempt tanks, too many turtles within a single enclosure, and poor appearance. The best way to determine if the ...

Karla News

Paper Mache Box Turtle Craft

If you’ve ever visited a craft store you’ve likely seen a huge selection of paper mache boxes. Even if you’ve never been to a craft store it’s still probable that you’ve seen the small boxes. Similar to a wooden box the paper mache types are lightweight, need no sanding, come in a variety of shapes ...

Karla News

Box Turtles as Pets

I have a long-standing tradition passed down to me from my dad: any time I see a turtle in the road I slam on the brakes, jump out and rescue it. If it’s in a highly populated area where it’s likely to wind up in the road again the next day, I take it to ...

Karla News

Taking Care of Pet Turtles

Pet turtles are often labeled easy to care for, low maintenance pets. This isn’t entirely true. Pet turtles require specialized care and feeding and can get sick and die easily unless you know exactly what they need. Here are a few tips for taking care of pet turtles that can help you have turtle success. ...