Articles for tag: Botswana, Cape Verde, Senegal

FIFA World Cup 2010 Qualifying: Africa

Qualification for the 2010 FIFA World Cup is well underway for the African nations. All world cups are important for any country, but this will be held in Africa for the first time. South Africa will host the event in 2010, and all the African nations want to be a part of the action. 53 ...

Karla News

Fun Facts About Mozambique, One of the World’s Poorest Lands

Did you Know… Geography With an area of 309,500 sq mi, the Republic of Mozambique is located in Southern Africa. It is surrounded by six African nations: South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the Kingdom of Swaziland. On the other hand, this Texas-sized region has a population of approximately 20 million. The Country’s Capital ...

Karla News

Top 2010 Adventure Honeymoon Destinations

More and more men and women are opting to spend their honeymoon on a non stop adventure instead of laying beside a beach at a luxury resort. These couples tend to be young and outgoing. They are often the kind of people that thrive on travel and adventure. Here are five to the top 2010 ...

Karla News

The Sad Facts About AIDS in Africa

AIDs is an epidemic that plagues all the world, every year millions of people die from this disease and vastly more live with it. It is not one of those strange sicknesses that few people have heard of or are uneducated in, anyone can mention AIDs and even most children will at least have heard ...