Articles for tag: Boston University

Karla News

How to Earn the Mayor Badge on Foursquare

Foursquare is quickly becoming a popular social networking site/app (iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm, and more) that encourages users to visit new places and share their experiences with friends. In Foursquare, you can earn badge based on your achievements, such as visiting sites more than once, visiting many new places, and for visiting the most places at ...

Karla News

Top 10 Fine Art University Programs

Aspiring artists looking to further their education in the field of Fine Arts need to get a degree. There are lots of wonderful colleges and universities throughout the world that focus on Fine Arts or have a terrific Fine Arts Program. Artists looking for this outlet to further their Fine Art Career need to check ...

Karla News

Rocker and Star of Rent Adam Pascal Brings Glory to Boston University

Adam Pascal doesn’t look like a rock star who would be besieged by screaming fans every time he takes the stage. After a performance on Friday night, when the audience constantly yelled for him to remove his clothing, he appeared completely relaxed and calm-and fully clothed. Decked out in faded jeans, a pinstripe button-down and ...

Karla News

Best Schools for Paralegal Training

The paralegal profession is one of the hottest fields around. One can find paralegal training almost everywhere; therein lies the problem. Because the paralegal profession is so popular, one can safely assume that the field will quickly become over-crowded. Therefore, if you are pursuing a paralegal career, you must do something that will set you ...

Karla News

Getting an Online Paralegal Certificate

The internet has truly opened up a world of opportunities for educational pursuits. One can get an online paralegal certificate in a matter of months. If you are thinking about obtaining a paralegal education, you should seriously consider getting an online paralegal certificate. Kaplan University has a well established and regionally accredited physical campus as ...

Karla News

Famous College Landmarks in Boston

The city of Boston is known around the world as a center of academic life in America. This is due in part to the estimated quarter million college students attending dozens of colleges and universities in and around the city. It is also due to the rich history and storied academic reputations of schools such ...