Articles for tag: Boo Radley, Fictional Characters

Karla News

How to Pick Names for Fictional Characters

Picking names for your fictional characters is much like naming your children. Each is a careful decision that you will have to live with for a long time to come. Picking just the right name for your fictional character involves more than thumbing through a book of baby names to find something that sounds good. ...

Karla News

Is Atticus Finch an Irresponsible Father?

Many regard Atticus Finch as a hero. Who could blame them? In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus Finch is portrayed as a pillar of justice and equality for defending Tom Robinson despite the social stigma. Yet, we must question the actual ramifications of Atticus’ actions. When regarding someone as a hero, we must ...

Karla News

The Most Memorable Characters in Literature

I admit it: I like top-ten lists. Even though I might not always agree with the choices, I do enjoy reading what other people think are the most important of this and that. So in that vein, I’ve decided to put together some lists of my own. My versions aren’t top-ten lists (some don’t even ...

Karla News

150 Reasons Why I Love Movies

I am often asked, especially by people who don’t know me very well but know I am a movie buff, “What is it about movies that you love so much? What is it that makes you want to sit in a dark theater for two or three movies in a day?” My normal answer was ...

Karla News

To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Analysis

In Harper Lee’s book To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus tells Scout that “‘most people are [real nice], Scout, when you finally see them'” (281). Scout learns this lesson many ways throughout the book such as with Dolphus Raymond who she thinks is an “evil man” because of Jem’s description of him (200). But after Dill ...