Articles for tag: Bone Mass, Improve Balance, Knee Pain

Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Living with osteoarthritic (OA) knee pain can limit your mobility and keep you from doing many of the things you enjoy. Lifestyle choices are often the only things that need to be addressed for treating and managing OA knee pain. Exercise can help stretch and strengthen the knees, hips and leg muscles, improve balance and ...

Soda and Loss of Bone Mass

It is being discovered that soda can have serious health risks including loss of bone mass. Are there certain kinds of soda that are worse or do all sodas cause loss of bone mass? According to a slideshow on MSN Health, soft drinks are one of the 6 Foods That Weaken Bones. It states that ...

Eat Prunes to Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, a condition that has symptoms of weak and brittle bones, often occurs in women after menopause because their ovaries are no longer producing certain hormones, such as estrogen, which play a role in rebuilding bone. In the first few years after menopause, women can lose 3-5 % of their bone mass each year. When ...