Articles for tag: Birth of a Nation, Blackface, Masculinity, Mulatto

Karla News

Black Masculinity and the Production of White Masculinity

Since the advent of the film industry, the portrayal of the black individual has primarily been dictated by the desires of white filmmakers and audiences-starting in the early 1900s with the cinematic introduction of the tom, coon, tragic mulatto, mammy and the brutal buck, and stretching on through the 20s, 30s and 40s with the ...

Karla News

Little Known Facts About Actor Ted Danson

Edward Bridge Danson III was born on December 29, 1949 in San Diego, California to parents Edward Junior, an archaeologist, and mother Jessica. Sister Jan rounded out the Danson family. He grew up living in close proximity to the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. Many of his friends were Hopi and Navajo kids. Ted started attending ...

Birth of a Nation Still Sparks Controversy

Perhaps no film in history is more reviled than Birth of Nation. It is also true that few films have had as much praise showered upon them. For nearly ninety years D. W. Griffith’s epic has spawned debate from both camps. It was a revolutionary film, with numerous technical innovations. It’s also one of the ...

Karla News

Racism, Misogyny, and Animal Abuse in Dumbo

Until recently, I never realized how outdated and offensive the movie Dumbo really is. In an attempt to reunite myself with some childhood film favourites, I borrowed this DVD from the library and watched anxiously as the horrors of this film’s prejudices unraveled. Since the last time I watched this movie was when I was ...

Karla News

The Genz Benz GBE 750 Bass Amplifier

Genz Benz of Scottsdale, Arizona has come up with several innovative amplifier designs over the last few years, but the new GBE series is certainly one of the best. The GBE 1200 and it’s younger brother, the 750, offer a solid tone, awesome power and a user friendly interface. It is also one of the ...