Articles for tag: Birthstones, Citrine, Sapphires, Tanzanite

Karla News

Traditional Birthstones

BIrthstones make a great, personal gift for a loved one. Here are the traditional birthstones associated with each month and suggestions for what precious metal should be paired with each. January The birthstone for January is garnet. Garnets are typically very dark red, almost black in color. Garnets work okay when set into gold but ...

How to Buy Birthstones like a Pro

When you want to buy birthstones, the 4 C’s will give you the important information you need to help in your decision. These are color, clarity, cut and carat. What do you look for when considering each of these factors in purchasing precious stones? Color in Birthstones 1) Color is the number one consideration when ...

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for New Moms

Is there a new mom in your family? Congratulations! What an exciting time. This year Mother’s Day is certainly a very special day indeed, not just for the new mom, but for the entire family. Here are some ideas for Mother’s Day gifts for that very special Mom. You don’t have to spend a lot ...

Karla News

Facts About the April Birthstone: Diamond History, Origin and Powers

Diamond is the April birthstone. Known as one of the hardest substances on earth, diamonds are thought to be billions of years old ( The word diamond derives from an ancient Greek word, “adamas”, meaning invincible. Arguably the most prized of all crystals, diamonds come in a range of colors: clear, pink, purple, red, orange, ...

Karla News

Birthstone Gifts for Mom’s for All Occasions

Birthdays and holidays like Christmas and Mother’s Day are great times to give mom birthstone jewelry, but really ‘” why does it always have to be a special occasion in order to buy birthstone jewelry for mom or grandma? Doesn’t mom deserve a gift any day of the year for all her hard work and ...

Karla News

Personalized Gift Ideas for Mom

Your Mom is your Mom; there is no other way to put it then that. So why not show her you love her and tell her thanks, or how much she means to you by presenting her with a personalized gift. I have done that every year; it is something that is more special and ...

Karla News

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

Aquamarine is the birthstone for March. Originating from “aqua” meaning water and “mare” meaning sea, aquamarine crystals are best known for their beautiful blue-green color reminiscent of the world’s oceans. Aquamarine stones range in color from clear to blue-green to sky blue. Deeper blues are considered more valuable. A member of the beryl family of ...

How to Buy a Mother’s Ring

Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and if you’d like to get something special for your wife (the mother of your children), your own mother, or your grandmother, it is time to start planning. A wonderful gift that a woman will cherish for a lifetime is a beautiful mother’s ring or pendant. What is ...

February Birthstone: Amethyst

Amethyst is the February birthstone. Associated with February since ancient times, amethyst is the most highly valued form of quartz. It is best known for its intense dark purple color. Although amethyst can range from transparent light lavender to smoky violet to the deepest royal purple, darker colors are considered more valuable. According to Wikipedia, ...