Articles for tag: Bacardi, Best Summer Drinks, Wine Cooler

Karla News

The Best Sports Drink for Summer Hydration

It’s almost summertime; that highly anticipated season where work slows down and you can take a little time to relax. However, that time spent relaxing and playing in the summer sun can leave you thirsty and dehydrated. Sodas and summer drinks like lemonade and iced tea can only make this worse, and let’s face it, ...

Karla News

Fun Summer Drinks for Kids and Kids-at-Heart

“For some, those sweet summer drinks are a wonderful memory of childhood, and you can provide your kids with tasty, thirst-quenching summer drinks that are memorable, low-cost, and best of all, healthy,” says K. Ray in her article, Healthy Summer Drinks for Kids. During the warm months, your kids are outdoors a lot. They get ...

My Favorite No Carb Drinks in the Summer

There’s no question about it, summer time brings on the thirst. With the high temperatures and humidity that summer time brings, it’s hard to find drinks that will keep you hydrated and be low in carbs as well. Sodas aren’t very good for you, especially in the summer, since they are made with caffeine. Drinking ...

Karla News

Top 5 Refreshing Summer Drink Recipes

Yes, it’s summer again and it’s hot and muggy, and everyone is desperately wants to cool off with a nice cold and refreshing summer drink. This year you can taste both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks that are refreshing, healthy, colorful and fun. Just because you keep the ingredients for your favorite summer drinks in the ...

Karla News

Healthy Summer Drinks for Kids

We all have childhood memories of the flavorful drinks that cooled us down after playing hard on hot summer days. For some, those sweet summer drinks are a wonderful memory of childhood, and you can provide your kids with tasty, thirst-quenching summer drinks that are memorable, low-cost, and best of all, healthy. If you don’t ...

Karla News

Top 10 Summer Cocktail Ideas

Nothing says summer like cocktails by the pool, beer and barbecue, or a nightcap under the stars. If you’re throwing a party, planning an intimate get-together, or just looking to relax with a drink this summer, check out these summer cocktail ideas. Easy Summer Alcohol Drinks: Open and Pour Smirnoff Ice. I have to lead ...